Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Upholstered furniture source Innovation USA moving HQ

Also will expand warehoemploy s on both coasts

Gary Evans -- Furniture Today, September 28, 2009

HANDOVER, Md. รข€" Upholstery resource Innovation USA notify s it is moving its headquarters from here to the San Francisco area and is strengthening its warehoemploy set-up on both coasts to hfeeble freight costs low and optimize logistics.

In October, the company will close its Baltimore warehoemploy and go to a larger facility in Deptford, N.J., and also will go to a larger space in Union City, Calif. It will be able to offer its entire U.S. collection from both warehoemploy s.

"This will create it easier for us to react to changes in the label etspace ," said Tomas Nielson, general sales manager. He said the company also plot s to supplement its annual catalog with a fresh spaper-type announcement of fresh product, and will add a fresh sales representative and two fresh agents.

Nielson said company execs spent two months traveling around the United States studying trfinish s and colors, and those findings will be reflected in fresh introductions and a fresh 2009/2010 catalog it will present at the High Point Market. Product will be more focemploy d on the U.S. label et, he said.

In High Point, Innovation USA display s in 220 Elm, space 300.

The headquarters go to South San Francisco, Calif., will place the company closer to Innovation's sister company in Beijing, China, for ease of logistics and communications. Administration will be handled from South San Francisco start ning Dec. 1.

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